Our services, offered for every stage of the marketing process, have been honed through extensive global experience, deep knowledge of the Indian market, its consumers and their cultural values.

Diverse Backgrounds
Our team brings in diverse backgrounds spanning advertising, media and marketing but share a common passion to unravel the deep consumer space through non-stereotypical ways.

Cultural Anthropology
Our extensive hands on global experience, combined with our deep knowledge of the Indian market and its cultural values, uniquely enables us to understand Indian consumer

Intuitive Wisdom
Our insights are as much heart as they are mind. To dive to the core, we go beyond the conscious and delve into the subliminal.

Consumer Technology
Our experience over the past decade has reiterated our belief that a symbiotic relationship between social change and human behaviour exists, and the interdependence of the two is inevitable.

Learn and Unlearn
We lay great emphasis on adding value to realistic respondent base. With involvement of senior level researchers and Subject Matter Experts at all key stages, even our most experienced members learn something new everyday

Perfection In Detail
With the capability to conduct Qualitative and Quantitative research anywhere across the sub-continent, we work with diverse language capabilities associating with regional language moderators and India’s finest field service agencies.